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FactSheet Five
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Posted April, 1994 by Jerod Pore. This file is part of
FactSheet Five - Electric. Questions or comments regarding
FactSheet Five - Electric should be directed to jerod23@well.sf.ca.us
If you wish to send zines for review in both the electronic and print
versions of Factsheet Five, the snailmail address is
Factsheet Five
PO Box 170099
San Francisco CA 94117-0099
%Title: 24-7: Notes From the Inside Volume 1 Issue 3 December, 1993
%Descr: "The Students and Teens Opposing Psychiatric (STOP) Abuse
Network was started in response to the growing number of
adolsecents being institutionalized by the mental 'health'
system." The network and the zine exist to educate the
public about this under-reported system of abuse, and to
provide a forum for survivors of 'voluntary'
institutionalization. The prisoner sub, in this case,
refers to minors imprisoned by this system.
This issue has several reprints from some pretty good zines on
the subject of psychiatric abuse. The stories, and the letters
describing first-hand abuse, are enough to make one want to
firebomb a psychiatric 'hospital.' On the other hand, we do
learn that there are zines for people with Multiple Personality
Disorder who don't wnat to integrate.
"We could write up ten child abuse reports a day if we wanted
to." - A counselor from the San Francisco Youth Guidance Center.
%Info: , Subs: $20.00 for 6 issues to
A. Duff, S.T.O.P. Abuse Network, 47 Cuvier Street, San Francisco, CA
(16 Pages/D/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: ANLETTER: Equations Quarterly on Third World Tourism Volume 2
%Descr: 1 Oct.'93
This political, activist newsletter is a new incarnation of
Alternative Network Letter which served as a resource and
information center for Third World tourism issues, primarily
focussing on India. The new ANLetter takes on the broader
canvas of Asia and other Third World tourist hot-spots or
soon-to-be-hot spots, serving as a staging area for
workshops, campaigns, publications and collaborations with
activists and academics worldwide in fighting the sexual
exploitation of children in Asian tourist industries, golf
course development and related issues impacting native
This second issue of ANLetter continues in the same vein as its
debut issue, offering seemingly academic articles asserting the
position that tourism is a form of colonization and exploitation
of third, fourth and fifth-world countries in a shrill, polemical
tone. Take for example a piece entitled, the "Rape of Virgin
Beaches of Puri," or "Turkey--Holiday Resort or Torture Chamber."
%Info: to
Equitable Tourism Options, 168 8th Main Rd. Near Indir-, anagar Club
Bangalore, 560008 India
(16 Pages/S/LRH)
No trades/back issues/no ads.
%Title: ALARM: A Voice of Northeast Earth First! Issue 8 Autumn '93
%Descr: An Enviromental publication with a very loud radical voice.
Mostly news, resources, and opionion about political
environmental issues. The voice of the Northeast U.S. Earth
There's an update on the current situation at James Bay, a rant
against bio-technology, and news of recent protests.
%Info: $1.50 Each , Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to
Alarm, P.O. Box 804, Burlington, VT 05402-0804
(24 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: ALTER OR ABOLISH: The Chronicle of the Second American
%Descr: Issue 13 Autumn, 1993
Formerly _The Urine Nation News_, _Alter or Abolish_ is a
bigger and better version of an already great zine. *This*
is the source for news from the trenches in the War on Civil
Rights, along with in-depth analysis of governmental
stupidity, hypocrisy and tyranny.
This issue documents the evolution of the zine from the old form
to the new along with a host of government abuses in the name of
the Wars on (some) Drugs, (some) Pollutants, (some) Weapons and
(some) Bad Thoughts that are filling the prisons beyond their
recently doubled capacities while violent felons are sent free.
Plus FIJA, Waco and the FDA's crackdown on health supplements.
"Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government."
%Info: $3.00 Each , Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to
David Ross, Digit Press, PO Box 2149, Roswell, GA 30077
(24 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email
%Title: ANARCHY: A Journal of Desire Armed Volume 13 Issue 4 Fall
%Descr: My favorate anarchist journal covering news and information
for the anarchist community with lots of intelligently
written essays on work, class stuggle, human rights, and
anarchist theory. Always a highlight is the huge letters
section with pages and pages of opinions and dialogs.
Diana Fisher wrote an excellent analysis of the FBI's attack on
the Branch Dividians including accounts on how the press was
treated. There's also an interview with some squatters in Berlin,
a long critique on morality in society, a personal recolection of
the Spanish Civil War, and a fine collection of reviews including
analysis of some very signifigant anarchist books.
Be sure to check out their new publication *Alternative Press
%Info: $3.50 Each , Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to
C.A.L., P.O. Box 1446, Columbia, MO 65205-1446
(82 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: BALLOT ACCESS NEWS Volume 9 Issue 9 Nov., '93
%Descr: News, both good and bad, about opposition parties and other
independent candidates getting on ballots. Unbiased,
detailed reporting on stuff like third party election
And unbiased they are, they reported on David Duke's likely
success in his fight to get on the Republican ticket. The
election results are in; You'd think in a contest between Dinkins
and Giuliani, the leftist candidates would get more then .15% of
the votes.
Required reading in the slow (and probably losing) fight against
the sovietization of America.
%Info: , Subs: $ 7.00 for 13 issues to
Richard Winger, Coalition for Free & Open Elections, P.O. Box 470296,
Francisco, CA 94147-0296
(6 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: BEAUTY IS DEAD Issue 5
%Descr: A single sheet rant zine.
There's a rant against homophobia, the right to freedom of
expression, and a recipe for black eye peas.
%Info: sase Each to
Eric Thompson, 3023 N. Hyde Ave, Panama City, FL 32405
(2 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: BRICK Issue 9
%Descr: A zine of personal comentary that surprisingly clear,
concise, and coherent. He coverers a wide variety of
political issuse but mostly from an anarchist perspective.
He wrote coments about the pathetic state of TV programing,
Native American solidarity, the short-sightedness of liberal
political thought, careing for children withing an anarchist
environment, the violence inherent in police forces, and a report
from the WSA-IWA convention.
%Info: $1.50 Each , Subs: $ 4.00 for 4 issues to
Brick, P.O. Box 1153, Russellville, AL 35653
(16 Pages/D/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: BROADSIDE: A "how to" guide for political self-help Issue 7
%Descr: 1993
Fiesty zine of anti-authoritarian politics.
This issue has a reprint of the editorial from the _Arizona
Republic_ on the murders at Waco. That piece was one of the few
from a major newspaper that so strongly condemned the BATF's
actions. There's also "The Lexicon for Intellectual
Self-Defense" - a handy guide to political labels and new ways of
%Info: The Usual Each to
Christopher Busing, 1316 McLendon Dr., Decatur, GA 3033
(10 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: CARF: Campaign Against Racism & Fascism Issue 16 October '93
%Descr: An informative newsletter from this well-organized British
anti-racism group. Mostly news and commentary about racism
around the world
Articles on British Police use of exccessive violence, the
growing power of the far Right, the murder of Asian cab drivers,
and an interview with Courtenay Griffiths.
%Info: $2 ??? Each , Subs: $15.00 to
CARF, BM Box 8784, London, WC1N 3XX U.K.
(16 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN LIBERTY: A bulletin of the California
%Descr: Liberty Caucus October, 1993
Occassional bulletin from the California branch of the RLC.
I still think these guys are more interested in sapping
votes from the Libertarian Party than truly reforming the
Republican faction from Christian Coalition control. I'll
eat my words when a Republican runs for office with a
*re-legalization* platform.
This issue has Replicrats on prop. 174, Riordan on thinking about
decriminalization and a possible RLC challenge to Pete Wilson.
%Info: SASE? Each to
Gordon Mohr, California RLC, PO Box 70457, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(2 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/no ads. email gojomo@soda.berkeley.edu
%Title: CAPITAL & LIBERTY: Focusing on Freedom; a lettr for the
%Descr: individual Volume 1 Issue 2 October, 1993
A zine of Libertarian *opinion* - as in very opinionated and
very individual.
In this issue, Mr. Seymour takes on the US presence in Somalia,
raises fears of the impending "Health Cards" (c.f. _Anumeralist_)
and how they might be used as part of the immeninent and
draconian policies of victim disarmament (a.k.a. Gun Control),
plus a guest editorial from the Republican Liberty Caucus and a
surprising approval of the latest Papal Encyclical.
%Info: $1.00 Each , Subs: $ 8.00 for 10 issues to
Craig Seymour, Seymour Enterprises, PO Box 694, Wayne, MI 48184
(6 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: CENSORSHIP NEWS Issue 49 1993
%Descr: The National Coalition Against Censorship's newsletter.
It's got the latest on who's trying to oppress whose first
amendment rights, so listen up! Book seizures, threats to
ban books, putting blinds over nude butts in a mural, and
even, good grief, getting rid of those bare breasts in the
"Where's Waldo?" puzzles! It's scary stuff, but somebody
has to keep track of threats to our rights.
Subscription price unknown; write for info; a sample is probably
Copies of the lively report on their May 1993 conference, "The
Sex Panic," are available for $5/sample and also at bulk rates.
%Info: to
Nat'l Coalition Against Censorship, 275 Seventh Ave., New York, NY
(4 Pages/S/MIR)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Breaking through barriers to freedom and
%Descr: Volume 3 Issue 1 January, 1994
Imagine _The Realist_ with a Libertarian perspective and
you've got _Claustrophobia_
This month they take on Health Care, postal reform in Australia,
welfare reform and China's most favored nation status. As
always, the articles are insightful and thought-provoking. Plus
the usual bits of satire and instances of government stupidity.
No dry dogma here, but lots of insight.
%Info: , Subs: $10.00 for 12 issues to
Dena Bruedigam, Claustrophobia, 400 N. High St. #137, Columbus, OH
(12 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email
%Title: CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Breaking Through Barriers to Freedom and
%Descr: Volume 2 Issue 10 Nov. '93
A zine taking a close look at our shrinking rights and
privacies. They have a bit of light-heartedness about it
that keeps the news from getting too depressing.
Articles about privacy, our shrinking freedoms, ideas about
Australia's heath care system, and the cost of victimless crimes.
A decent, readable package.
%Info: $1 Each , Subs: $10.00 for 12 issues to
Dena Bruedigam, Claustrophobia, 400 N. High St. #137, Columbus, OH
(12 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: COALITION TO PROTECT ANIMALS Volume 9 Issue 1 Summer '93
%Descr: An animal protectionist newsletter by a group that also sell
a series of informative pamphlets. Most of it is newsclips
of related material from other sources.
News of the Desert Protection Act (HR 518) that will protect many
new parkland areas in Califoria, new problems with Selenium
poisoning, news about the Michigan hunter harrassment law, and
updates on Alaskan wolf slaughters.
%Info: $1 Each to
CPAPR, P.O. Box 26, Swain, NY 14884
(8 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: COGNITIVE DISSIDENTS: A different drummer...by choice! Volume
%Descr: Issue 2 August, 1993
Hey, a Libertarian zine that discusses *tactics*!
Most of this issue is devoted to the "Hit'em where they ain't"
campaign, where the LP presidential candidate should concentrate
on New Hampshire *after* everyone else leaves the state. I say
great, but they should also campaign in Neveda, Maine and Alaska
- states with proportionally high numbers of Libertarians and
little (if any) attention from the candidates of The Party.
%Info: SASE Each to
Scott Kjar, 4223 Cottage Circle #4, Las Vegas, NV 89119-6820
(4 Pages/S/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: COMBAT: Don't complain about the media, become the media Issue
%Descr: Aug. '93
I love that subhead. It almost defines all of zine culture.
It's a ranty political zine that has room for poetry and art
in between the personal comments.
There's a rant about political labels, a field guide for
identifying fundamentalists, comments on the Midwest floods, a
rant about Rush, and a stupid letter from Senator Lugar.
%Info: $2 Each , Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to
Rave 6 Rave Press, P.O Box 20311, Indianapolis, IN 46220-0311
(20 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: COMMON SENSE: The Newsletter for libertarians and other friends
%Descr: liberty. Volume 22 Issue 2 Autumn, 1993
A zine of libertarian philosophy.
This issue features highlights of ISIL's conference in Tallinn,
Estonia; reprints from _Ballot Access News_; and commentaries
on the so-called right to medical care, the cowardice of
politicians to attack government waste; and a great rant about
the assault on the Bill of Rights by the alphabet soup of
government agencies.
%Info: $2.00 Each , Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to
T. Paine, Libertarian Information Service, PO Box 520191, Miami, FL
(12 Pages/HL/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: CONTRAFLOW: European Counter Network Sept. '93
%Descr: A magazine chronicling opression of people worldwide. From
prisoners to homosexuals to striking workers. There's a bit
of an anarchist slant but it's certainly not your typical
academic anarchist journal.
A terrible miscarrage of justice as the Guildford 4's convictions
were finally overturned after spending 14 years on prison, the
fight to protect ancient Celtic burrial grounds, the libel case
McDonald's has taken agains British protesters, tips on poll tax
resistance, and the effects of the Maastricht.
Worth the price, send 'em a donation too.
%Info: $1 or 1 IRC Each to
56 A Infoshop, 56 Crampton St., London, SE17 U.K.
(24 Pages/A4/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: COPWATCH REPORT Fall '93
%Descr: Keeping tabs on inappropriate police activities in Berkeley
and the Bay Area. Not exactly the place to find the
friendliest police officers, especially if you're homeless.
Personal accounts of police vandalizing homes in the name of the
"drug war," Berkeley's Community Invovled Policing, the attack of
Food Not Bombs, update on the Jerrold Hall case, the failure of
the "drug war," alternative sentencing, and Berkeley's
anti-loitering ordinance.
%Info: Donation/$1.00 Each , Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to
Copwatch, 2022 Blake Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
(12 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: ECOSOCIALIST REVIEW Volume 7 Issue 3 Summer '93
%Descr: "Watermellon" is a term I've heard a Libertarian use to
describe some environmental activists. "Green on the
outside, red on the inside." Well, in discussing
environmental issues, I'd rather listen to an eco-socialist
then a libertarian that want to eliminate all restrictive
environmental regulations.
There's an essay on post-industrialist environmentalism,
multinational environmental disasters, the state of green
politics, the problems with the Superfund, and the environmental
effects of NAFTA.
EcoSocialism is the One True Path, as they slag everyone from the
Sierra Club to Earth First!
%Info: $2 Each , Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to
Chicago DSA, 1608 N. Milwaukee, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60647
(32 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: F.E.A.R. CHRONICLES: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
Volume 1
%Descr: Issue 6 May, 1993
Scary studies of how local, state and federal agencies steal
citizen's property because they damn well feel like it.
Most of the news in this issue is good. I'm sure more recent
issues will have even better news with the latest Supreme Court
rulings. However, every court victory is balanced by the latest
tale of government abuses, the oddest of which being the
forfeiture of one of the world's few intact Tyrannosaurus Rex
A frightening look into current government abuses, mixed in with
some hope.
%Info: , Subs: $55.00 for 10 issues to
John Paff, F.E.A.R. Foundation, PO Box 5424, Sommerset, NJ 08875-5424
(12 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: FTT Issue 15 October 1993
%Descr: "FTT is a science fiction fanzine which, like most such,
never mentions the stuff at all, and is principally
concerned with history, politics and travel."
As it has been 11 months since the previous issue of _FTT_,
letters make up the bulk of this issue. The letters have been
divided into those discussing economics, and those discussing
other issues.
*Somebody* has to make fun of FOSFAX.
%Info: The Usual Each to
Judith Hanna Joseph Nicholas, 5A Frinton Road, Stamford Hill London,
6NH United Kingdom
(38 Pages/A4/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: FIFTH ESTATE: Non Serviam Volume 28 Issue 3 Fall/Winter '93
%Descr: The 28-year-old anarchist magazine covering international
anarchist news with a nod to the situationists. Rebelious,
informative, funny, and historical without all the dogma
usually associated with heavy political magazines.
News of the anti-racist demonstrations in Chattanooga, the new
PLO/Isreali treaty, how McDonald's is silencing its critics, a
look back on Biosphere 2, reports on several Anarchist Gathering
last Summer, the truth about what's going on in Bosnia, U.S.
intervention in Somolia, and the tragic splitting of the Love &
Rage collective.
Great collages too!
%Info: $1.50 Each , Subs: $ 6.00 for 4 issues to
Fifth Estate, 4632 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
(32 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Descr: A global environmental/Co-operative magazine reporting on
news from around the world and local issues as well.
They printed the basics of a co-operative, the environmental
problems with coal, and the court battles of the anti-fur group
%Info: to
Greenwave, P.O. Box B 178, Huddersfield West Yorkshire, HD4 6ED
(14 Pages/A4/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: GUILLOTINE November, 1993
%Descr: Fiery, uncompromising,in-yer-face anarcho-capitalist zine.
*This* is the type of Libertarian zine I love to read.
The big aritcle in this issue is on the privitization of police
forces, a sacred cow that many LP politicians are unwilling to
touch. Curiously, the suspect Wackenhut corporation is mentioned
as being the private force of a few rural towns. Wackenhut
features prominately in the conspiracy theories surrounding the
Iran-Contra/Carbazon Tribe/Danny Cassolaro/Inslaw imbroligo.
While the other articles touch upon subjects commonly discussed
in libertarian circles, drug re-legalization, government
tramplings of individual and economic rights and such like,
_Guillotine_ attacks the issues with an inspiring gusto.
"To cut the pork, you must first kill a few pigs."
%Info: BIG SASE 2stamps Each to
Brian Taylor Justin Weinberg, EMO, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
(12 Pages/T/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email
%Title: IBF NEWS: Promoting bicycle transport, international
%Descr: Volume 2 Issue 1 January, 1994
Great pro-bike, anti-car zine focussing on bicycle diplomacy
and bikes as a key part of a sustainable infrastructure.
This issue features a least-cost analysis of transportation, and
I'll give you one guess as to the most cost-efficient means of
transportation, even comparing 5 km bike trips to 1 km car trips.
There's also news about actual government planning for bicycles
in sub-Saharan Africa and a variety of African bike tours. And a
cost comparisson from Eugene Oregon which provides some
interesting data. For the cost of nine miles of new car-carrying
roads and doubling the capacity of a one mile bridge, a city
could buy a bicycle for everyone over 11, instal 10,000 7 bike
racks, build 30 miles of bicycle/pedestrian paths, eliminate bus
fares, run free busses to the airport, eliminate the budget
deficit, give $100 a month to 1,000 poor and/or homeless people
and still have $4.1 million left over.
%Info: $1.00 Each to
David Mozer, International Bicycle Fund, 4887 Columbia Drive South,
WA 98108-1919
(4 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/no ads.
%Descr: A zine put together by a composition class at the University
of California at San Diego. Mostly essay and poetry about
the environment.
There's pieces on the new FDA restrictions, hazzards of
pesticides, nuclear waste, toxic dumping, and endangered species.
%Info: 3 stamps Each to
Kate Burns, Warren Writing Program, University of California, SD, 9500
Drive La Jolla, CA 92093
(36 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: KEYSTONE SOCIALIST: Newletter of the Socialist Party of
%Descr: Summer '93
The official publication of the Socialist Party of
Pennsylvania. Has some good ideas but seems too restrained
to get really creative and pull it off.
Don *(The Weird News)* Busky wrote another informative piece
about the social success of Clinton's health care proposal, Steve
Gulick on gays in the military, and death penalty reform.
Check it out to keep track of the party's activities.
%Info: free/SASE Each , Subs: $40.00 for 5 issues to
Socialist Party of Pennsylvania, 2208 South Street, Philidelphia, PA
(4 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: LEISURE: Lies. Culture. Subversion. Issue 4
%Descr: A zine of cultural radicalism.
There's a long essay about underground networking, instructions
on how women can pee standing up, a comic about consumerism, the
politics of Oxford, and a cool centerfold with Bart defending the
Also available from AK Distribution.
%Info: $2 ??? Each to
M. Fuller, P.O. Box 368, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 1SQ U.K.
(0 Pages/A4/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: LIBERTARIAN COMMUNITY BULLETIN: A forum for *voluntary*
exchange of
%Descr: goods, services, information and ideas Winter, 1994
Although targetted at residents of North Carolina, for whom
the calendar would be of most use, this is a handy resource
for anyone interested in Liberty. There are four pages of
candidates, media, BBSs, organizations (NORML, NRA, ACLU,
EFF for example), bookstores and such. Plus the classified
ads, which would be of interest to buyers and sellers.
%Info: SASE Each , Subs: $ 3.00 for 12 issues to
F. Craig Springer, Libertarian Party of North Carolina, 1708 Bayleaf
Raleigh, NC 27614
(6 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: LIBERTARIAN PARTY NEWS Volume 9 Issue 2 July, 1993
%Descr: Publication of the National Libertarian Party.
The two main articles cover Project Healthy Choice - the
Libertarian alternative to the health-care hoopla, and a big LP,
FIJA and NORML protest at the federal courthouse in Atlanta that
managed to shut down the court for a day. Plus news on even more
LP candidates being elected and a very interesting article on the
Natural Law Party.
%Info: , Subs: $25.00 for 12 issues to
Randy Langhenry, Libertarian Party, 1528 Pennsylvania Ave. SE,
Washington, DC
(20 Pages/T/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email
%Title: LIBERTY BELL: Cries of Liberty Volume 1 Issue 9 November,
%Descr: California Libertarian Party newsletter. Libertarian
concerns and issues of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico are also
addressed, as well as national concerns and issues.
More news about more government. Can you think of anything more
frightening that more government? I can't. Anyway, there's a
big article on Linda Thompson's "Big Lie" videotape and how paid
informants are the primary source of information for the Gestapo
(a.k.a. forfeiture squads). Plus good news/bad news from various
legislative bodies, many philosophical debates, drug war, FIJA
and party news.
%Info: , Subs: $25.00 for 6 issues to
Mike Hodges, Libertarian Party of California, 655 Lewelling Blvd. #362,
Leandro, CA 94579
(12 Pages/O/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email fidonet 143/6
%Title: LIVE AND LET LIVE: Pro-life, Animal-rights, Libertarian Issue
6 Oct.
%Descr: '93
Not as contradictory as you would first think, as the
publisher does apply standard Libertarian ideals (property
rights, self-government and such) to his positions.
This issue has extensive dialog between James and Doris Gordon,
the national co-ordinator for Libertarians for Life. Doris seems
more rigid and single-minded about her opinions then James.
Definitely an eye-opener!
%Info: 50 cents + stamp Each , Subs: $ 3.00 for 4 issues to
James N. Dawson, P.O. Box 613, Redwood Valley, CA 95470
(16 Pages/D/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: MADISON EDGE Volume 4 Issue 14 August. '93
%Descr: A progressive bi-weekly newspaper addressing the concerns of
the Madison community. News, commentary, and essays on
local and national issues (with a strong focus on media
criticism) complement a calendar/resource guide.
Racial discrimination within the operation of prisons, the local
conservative radio station, and Bill Clinton's denial of gay
%Info: free/$1.00 Each , Subs: $15.00 for 26 issues to
The Edge Cooperative, P.O. Box 845, Madison, WI 53701-0845
(8 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/takes ads.
%Title: MEANDER QUARTERLY: Newsletter of Evolutionary Anarchists
Volume 5
%Descr: Issue 3 Nov. 1993
News and opinion from anarchists around the world.
Ed reported on the Great Lakes Regional Anarchist Gathering, Mike
Thain (?) explained how he can live on working 20 hours a week at
$5 an hour, news of strikes in the U.S., the continuing
discussion of homelessness, and more opinions on Rodney King.
%Info: The Usual Each to
Ed Stamm, P.O. Box 1402, Lawrence, KS 66044
(28 Pages/D/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERATIONIST: We are Changing What it Means to
Be Blind
%Descr: Volume 5 Issue 2 Fall '93
A short newsletter for the National Federation of the Blind
of New Hampshire.
This one mostly covers their upcomming conference.
%Info: to
New Hampshire Federationist, Po Box 1696, Laconia, NH 03247-1696
(4 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: NEWS & LETTERS Volume 38 Issue 8 October '93
%Descr: A wordy Marxist-Humanist paper covering a variety of issues.
A contemporary viewpoint with lots of reader letters.
News about the PLO-Israeli agreement, the Bosnian war, and the
turmoil in Russia.
%Info: , Subs: $ 2.50 for 10 issues to
News & Letters, 59 E. Van Buren #707, Chicago, IL 60605
(12 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: NO NATION BULLETIN Issue 15 Autumn '93
%Descr: A project devoted to unifying people around the globe
through support, respect, and dignity.
Steve Lund (U.S.) proposes an international travel boycott of the
U.S. to protest the fascistic imprisonment practices.
This newsletter is a bit short but I think it's only one arm of
the entire project.
%Info: 3 IRCs Each , Subs: $ 6.00 for 4 issues to
Soren Groth, PPFA, Industirg 9:1, 15300 Jarna, Sweden
(16 Pages/D/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: PRAIRIE FIRE Issue 12 Oct./Nov. '93
%Descr: A newpaper for activist students in Miami and Gainsville.
News about the alternative health care ban by the FDA, the myth
og media objectivity, a critique of alternative press, the
environmentalist battle at Cove/Mallard, new regulations for
welfare recipents, a history of Puerto Rico's struggle for
independence, and an excerpt from a Noam Chomsky lecture.
This could be a usefull networking resource for students all
%Info: free/contrib. Each , Subs: $ 7.00 to
P.O. Box 12266, Gainsville, FL 32604
(16 Pages/T/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: REPUBLICAN LIBERTY: Caucus Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 4 Fall,
%Descr: Latest propaganda from Republicans who generally pretend to
be stealth Libertarians.
Gee, do you think they didn't like our first review? They called
us "leftist" and did some selective quoting, tactics worthy of
the Christian Coalition. I'll beleive that the RLC is truly
libertarian when they run candidates under the Republican banner
who promise to *re-legalize* drugs. Granted, they'll be opposing
Ollie North, and I'd rather see these people in charge of the
Republican faction of the Party than their Christian Coalition
brethren, however their idea of a libertarian agenda appears to
be "No parole, free markets for big business that has government
contracts, and a 'big tent' Republican faction that still
excludes gays and lesbians."
Just consider that the RLC considers Pierre "Mandatory drug
testing for everyone" DuPont, Jesse Helms and William Dannemayer
as "libertarian."
%Info: $5.00 Each , Subs: $15.00 for 6 issues to
Roger MacBride, Republican Liberty Caucus, 1717 Apalachee Parkway, Suite
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(10 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/no ads. email 71562.120@compuserve.com
%Title: REVOLUTIONARY TIMES: Providence: Care Exercised in Providing
For the
%Descr: Future Issue 5 Sept. '93
An exciting new revolutionary magazine to provoke people in
Rhode Island and across the country. Lots of fine writing on
topics I don't see covered to often in other places.
News about one woman's fight against aspestos poisoning, a long
interview with comic/music master Tuli Kupferberg, a look at
Linda Thompson's Waco video, and biographies of three
Not a straight anarchist paper but anarchist-inspired.
%Info: 1 stamp Each , Subs: $ 8.00 to
T.A.R.T, P.O. Box 3146, Wayland Square Providence, RI 02906
(8 Pages/T/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: RUFF KUTT: Dossier of the Delectably Deranged Issue 2
%Descr: 199
Although _Ruff Kutt_ has the same name and address, the
focus is very different. Hell, they've even started over
with issue #1. Most of the UFO and Secret Government news
has taken a backseat to more immeadiate problems, although
the _Schwa_ aliens are on almost every page. The fucker is
*huge* now, at 66 pages. With all the reprints from various
sources, righteous rages, and focus on environmental and
civil rights issues.
Although this zine is all over the place, the main focus is on
that evil, vile corporate cancer by the name of Georgia Pacific.
Apparently over-harvesting of trees is not enough for GP, as they
must also dump chlorine into the water supply. There's also a
Zappa memorial, Leonard Peltier information, the latest
atrocities in Haiti, some balanced hemp information (told in
comic form) and the Grey's agenda.
_Ruff Kutt_ has transformed into something like a Northwest
edition of _Wind Chill Factor_.
%Info: , Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to
X-Genesis, PO Box 451, Maple Falls, WA 98266
(66 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: S.E.T. FREE:: The Newsletter Against Television January 1993
Way back in college I read something by Gerry Mander called *Four
Arguments for the Elimination of Television*. It had a profound
impact on me. Not so much for the new things it exposed me to,
but because therein I had found some ideas I could truly relate
to. So apparently, have the folks who publish *S.E.T. Free*.
Armed only with typewriters, scissors and a copier, they are
fighting one of the most subversive wars of our era - they don't
want you to "strive to control" your viewing, they want you to
lick a hole in the damn thing, put it in your yard and fill it
with flowers. Join up and they'll even send a cool membership
%Info: $1.50 Each to
Charles Frink, Soc. for the Eradication of TV, P.O. Box 10491, , CA
(6 Pages/L/MF)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: SLINGSHOT Volume 1 Issue 50 Fall '93
%Descr: A really fine leftist paper covering all the issues
important to the radical UC Berkeley community; Food Not
Bombs, sexual freedom, needle exchange, and People's Park.
Regular features include anarchy around the world and a
calendar of politcal events.
Mayor Fank Jordon has really been comming down hard on Food Not
Bombs. I guess he figures that the problems of a decaying city
can be solved by arresting people for giving out free food. More
typical news, Pete Wilson vetoed the needle exchange bill, even
though there is now proof that such a plan reduces the incidence
of HIV transmission. Essays on Clinton's health plan, radical
organic gardening, and the effect of pornography.
%Info: $1 Each , Subs: $ 5.00 for 5 issues to
Slingshot, 700 Eshleman Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
(16 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: SOCIALIST CHALLANGE: For Socialist and Feminist Action Volume
%Descr: Issue 6 Sept. '93
News and updates on the socialist labor struggle in Canada.
Full of relatively ballanced news coverage and not as
preachy as one would imagine.
A critical look at the Mulroney administration, sad prospects for
women's rights, building an alternative in Quebec, and the Middle
East peace process.
One of the better Socialist-oriented newspapers.
%Info: , Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to
David Brown, Socialist Challange, Box 4955, Vancouver, BC V6B 4A6
(12 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: SPECTRUM: The Wholistic News Magazine Issue 33 Nov./Dec. '93
%Descr: A great glossy magazine with alternative health news from
around the world. Very informative and readable with
condensed news-bites for quick reading. A good source for
keeping up with news on food, health, healing, vitamins,
environment, medicine, safety, and human rights.
Lots of useful stuff including updates that vitamin E, beta
carotene, and selenium signifigantly reduces deaths from cancer.
There's also an interview with John White, author of *The Ple
%Info: $3 Each , Subs: $18.00 for 6 issues to
Roger Windsor, Spectrum Universal, 61 Dutile Road, Belmont, NH 03220-
(36 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: STORM WARNING: Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti-Imerialist
%Descr: 27 Oct. '93
The publication of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
A greatly-expanded issue, it looks like things are really comming
together for them. It's got informative articles about the war in
Somalia, the Klan's relationship to the military, why the world
want to divide up Bosnia, and the November conference in Seattle.
Not connected with the Chicago-based Vietnam Veterans Against the
%Info: , Subs: $15.00 to
VVAW AI, P.O. Box 95172, Seattle, WA 98145-2172
(24 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: THE ANUMERALIST: Fighting the SSN-ation of our Liberty! Volume
%Descr: Issue 6 September, 1993
"To work for an America where no one is forced to apply for,
or give out an ID card or serial number." This zine
documents past abuses, and future 'uses' of Social Security
Numbers and the Social Security System.
This issue looks at the impending 'reform' of the Health Care
system and how it is ripe for even more abuse and eradication of
individual liberties that the existing system. There's news,
good and mostly bad, on this front, and some frightening,
first-person tales of SSN abuse and scams.
%Info: The Usual Each to
Wynn Schaible, Samizdat Productions, PO Box 2084, Norristown, PA 19404
(12 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: THE BARBED WIRE Volume 1 Issue 1 July, 1993
%Descr: "We are the Born Again Rhino Force (BARF). We are
successors of the moribund Parti Rhinoceros, now known as
Les Pauvres Rhinos, or something like that. We are clowns,
as were the Rhinos. But we do not ridicule or lampoon. We
tell the truth."
They are such serious clowns. Despite the name and references to
CanaDada, this is a zine of anti-Tory politics with a few
implausible, if entertaining suggestions such as a Universal
Credit Card and a lottery for all taxpayers.
"We would rather get a thousand people to think than get a
thousand people to vote for us."
%Info: The Usual Each to
Born Again Rhino Force, PO Box 553, CPO Regina, SK S4P 3A3 Canada
(4 Pages/S/JP)
Trades OK/no ads.
%Title: THE BARBED WIRE Volume 1 Issue 3 Sept. '93
%Descr: A new personal rant sheet throwing spears into Canadian
He explained the secret method the Tories used to steal the '88
election, why certain topics are ingnored in election coverage,
tips for the '93 election, and what they plan on accomplishing in
the future.
Recomended to Americans looking to find out more about the
Canadian political system.
%Info: SASE Each , Subs: $ 2.00 for 12 issues to
William G. Scott, The Barbed Wire, P.O. Box 553, CPO, Regina, SK S4T
(4 Pages/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: THE BARNES CASE Issue 18
%Descr: A newsletter devoted to exposing the truth behind the
decition to loan the Barnes art collection. It's an
enourmous project, complete with a 55-page book documenting
the faked renovation budget.
%Info: free Each to
A.F. Brown, P.O. Box 49, Broomall, PA 19008
(6 Pages/RSF)
No trades/back issues/no ads.
%Descr: A British homeless advocacy magazine that's one of the best
I've seen anywhere. Like other publications here, it's sold
by the homeless but unlike the U.S. publications, this one
is thick and enjoyable. Something I would be willing to
spend my money on.
This one has an engaging article about youth crimes, homeless
news, poetry, fiction, club listings, movie reviews, and theater
%Info: April '93 Each to
Snail Art Colony, 89 Sedley Grove, Harefield, UB9 6JD U.K.
(38 Pages/A4/RSF)
No trades/takes ads.
%Title: THE CIVIL ABOLITIONIST Volume 5 Issue 2 Summer, 1993
%Descr: Highly political animal-rights zine, which also deals with
general health and environmental concerns.
In this issue, Dr. Henry J. Heimlich takes on the American Red
Cross and their deadly method of resuscitation. Plus lots of
news, good and bad, on the battle to ban animal 'testing', AIDS
research, pesticides and the like.
%Info: to
Bina Robinson, Box 26, Swain, NY 14884
(0 Pages/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: THE CONNECTION Issue 193 Nov. '93
%Descr: This zines is somewhere between a computer BBS and an APA.
We get pages and pages of tiny type with discussions,
arguements, comments, points and counterpoints of many
issues, libertarian and anarchist.
Filthy Pierre has many pages of comments, some submitted to
*RSVP* as well as to the *Connection,* while Tad Davies (also
from *RSVP*) submitted his wonderful story of traveling to Cuba
(illegally) and meeting Castro.
Thought-provoking eyestrain. And, yes, Bob Black is here, too.
%Info: $2.50 Each , Subs: $20.00 for 8 issues to
Erwin S. Strauss, P.O. Box 3343F, Fairfax, VA 22038
(60 Pages/D/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: THE FIJACTIVIST: Newsletter of the Fully Informed Jury
%Descr: Issue 14 Winter, 1994
The latest news about one of the fastest-growing grassroots
political movements. For those of you without a clue
(watching too much TV?), juries are supposed to have the
power to veto bad laws. Judges rarely inform them of this
constitutional fact. Although closely allied with the
Libertarian Party, the FIJA is the most successful of all
libertarian groups.
Most of the news is pretty good, with Jury Nullification getting
mentioned as a 'problem' on CNN's "Crossfire", reports on the
highly confrontational tactics of the California FIJA (Yea
Team!), reprints of various articles about the FIJA and, of
course, the Randy Weaver and Branch Davidian trials.
"Justice for me and, by the way, it's justice for you, too."
%Info: , Subs: $15.00 for 4 issues to
Larry Dodge, Fully Informed Jury Association, PO Box 59, Helmville, MT
(48 Pages/T/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: THE FREE PRESS: The Other Side of the News Oct. '93
%Descr: Political news about local Columbus issues and international
news with a decidedly leftist perspective. Now in its 23rd
In this one Molly Ivins takes on Rush Limbaugh, Native Americans
in Ohio, comming out gay in Columbus, Ohio, the Klan, Amnesty
International, and the local political campaigns.
%Info: , Subs: $15.00 for 12 issues to
The Free Press, 1066 N High Street, Columbus, OH 43201
(32 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: THE GADFLY: An Anti-Authoritarian Newspaper Volume 10 Issue 1
%Descr: '93
As Burlington is the commuity to send the first Socialist to
Congress in about 40 years, the newspaper produced by the
university students there has a very radical political bent.
They take a close look at the University's investment portfolio,
the scary future for biological engineering, the story of
political prisoner Larry Giddings, racism and brutality in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and interview community activist Richard
%Info: $1 Each to
University of Vermont, Billings Student Center, Box 130 Burlington, VT
(24 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/no ads.
%Title: THE NEW FEDERALIST: National Newspaper of the American System
%Descr: 7 Issue 23 June, 1993
Yes, indeed, it's the official paper of Lyndon LaRouche's
organization. So if you're interested in what he and his
group actually have to say, instead of the various hearsay
and propaganda, then you should at least get a sample issue.
Now that Mr. LaRouche has been freed, more stories can be printed
like the ones about CAN's Waco cover-up, Representative
Gonzalez's attacks on the Federal Reserve, how the IMF's policies
could lead to a global "North vs. South" war and how the
conflicts in the Balkans and the trans-Caucus regions could also
ignite global conflict.
%Info: 50 cents Each , Subs: $20.00 for 50 issues to
New Federalist, PO Box 889, Leesburg, VA 22075
(12 Pages/O/JP)
No trades/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: THE NEW SOCIALIST Volume 1 Issue 1
%Descr: A newsletter exploring the form the new socialism will take.
Articles about the crisis of socialism, the fall of Polish
communism, and the Russian revolution
%Info: $1 Each , Subs: $10.00 to
Ivan Bachur, 8132 Farnum, Warren, MI 48093-2884
(4 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: THE PRAGMATIST: A Utilitarian Approach Volume 10 Issue 5
April '93
%Descr: A liberatian newsletter that provides an outlet for a wide
range of voices. Well-rounded and full of very strong
Richard Kostelanetz wrote about working as a professor, Jorge
Amador explained why candidate Marrou-Lord faild in his bid, Marc
Goldstien examined warning labels, Eric-Charles Banfield analyzed
the Waco tragedy, and Leonard Brewster complained about arts
%Info: , Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to
The Pragmatist, P.O. Box 392, Forest Grove, PA 18922
(16 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/takes ads.
%Title: THE SHADOW: Information is Strength - Knowlege is Power Issue
%Descr: Dec. '93
All the latest anarchist rumblings from the Lower East Side
(Loisiada/Alphabet City/East Village) of New York. I used to
rely on *The Shadow* while I was living down there. Regular
features include Cop Watch, comics, and an events calender.
This issue is filled with anger as Antonio Pagan won the primary
election with the 1991 redrawn election districts. There's also
reports on the arrest of 42 people at a peaceful gathering in
Tompkins Square Park, the beating of Mario Rios by 15 police
officers, the Fierce Pussy Festival (that sounds like a Riot
Grrrl gathering), and an informative review of that big comic art
show (Comic Power) recently held at Exit Art in New York's SoHo.
I guess I don't miss New York that much after all.
%Info: $2 Each , Subs: $10.00 for 10 issues to
Shadow Press, P.O. Box 20298, Peter Styvesant Station New York, NY 10009
(24 Pages/T/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: THE VETERAN: Vietnam Veterans Against the War Volume 23 Issue
%Descr: Spring '93
The official publication of Vietnam Veterans Against the
More news about the Persian Gulf War, defense of abortion
clinics, a contemporary look at draft dodgers, gays in the
military, and a rememberance of Wounded Knee.
%Info: $1 ??? Each to
VVAW, Po Box 408594, Chicago, IL 60640
(12 Pages/T/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: THE VOLUNTARYIST: If One Takes Care of the Means, the Ends Will
%Descr: care of Itself Issue 64 Oct. '93
This newsletter explores real solutions to deal with
unreasonable governments with the focus on the voluntary
This issue has a long essay looking at the major crimes and
outlandish acts commited by the U.S. government, and a look at
supermarket politics.
%Info: $4 Each , Subs: $18.00 for 6 issues to
The Voluntaryist, P.O. Box 1275, Gramling, SC 29348
(8 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: THE WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING: by Robert I. Friedman Issue 27
%Descr: '93
I was hoping this pamphlet would contain information showing a
CIA set up of Sheikh Abdel Rahman but instead it focused more on
the history of the relationship between the CIA and Rahman. I
found the information about the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane most
intriging but was hoping for more stuff about the Trade Center
bombing. Recommended if you're looking to explore the links
between the CIA and terrorist activities.
%Info: $4 Each , Subs: $35.00 for 10 issues to
Open Media, P.O. Box 2726, Westfield, NJ 07091
(18 Pages/HS/RSF)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: TRUTH SEEKER: Freethought Publication since 1873 Volume 120
Issue 4
%Descr: 120 years of writing about freethought (or atheism, if you
must) and honest money. Just think what good shape this
country would be in if it had 120 years of freethought and
honest money.
In this issue they present a tribute to Robert Green Ingersoll
(1833-1899), one of the most effective public speakers in the
country. Much of the material is excerpts from his writings and
speaches. There's also a review of a biography and comments about
his importance.
An excellent perspective on values, monetary and humanistic.
%Info: $5.00 Each , Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to
Bonnie Lange, Truth Seeker Company, PO Box 2872, San Diego, CA 92112
(44 Pages/S/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.
%Title: TURNING THE TIDE: Anti-Racist Activism, Research and Education
%Descr: 6 Issue 6 Dec. '93
An anti-hate newsletter documenting racist attacks across
the country. Lots of anti-Klan stuff here too.
Michael Novick reported on the escalation of anti-abortion
violence, Henry Howard explained how the California school
voucher program encorrages racism, an update on neo-nazi crimes,
ideas for Hawaiian sovereinty, and a report on police brutality.
They also have a number of reports and videos available
%Info: $2 Each , Subs: $ 7.50 for 6 issues to
People Against Racist Terror, P.O. Box 1990, Burbank, CA 91507
(20 Pages/T/RSF)
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.
%Descr: A hard to read samizdadt newsletter about innocent
incarcerated individuals and other travesties of our modern
Problems with the U.S. tax system, a rant by Jacob Feuerwerker
about the treatment of jews by the justice system, and comments
about education within prisons.
Jam packed with tiny type.
%Info: donation/$1 Each to
Freedom Advocate Publications, 23820 Miles Road, Cleveland, OH 44128
(6 Pages/S/RSF)
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.
%Title: VITAL SIGNS: North Carolina Triangle Chapter Physicians for
%Descr: Responsibility Volume 10 Issue 1 November, 1993
Zine from the local chapter of PSR - a group that sees
violence as an illness.
This issue has reports from the conference on violence in
society, which seemed most concerned with gun control. There's a
call for physicians to take an active part in violence
prevention, including a screening for handgun ownership!
%Info: SASE (?) Each to
N.A. Coulter, NC Triangle Chapter, PSR, PO Box 3218, Chapel Hill, NC
(8 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/no ads.
%Title: WE THE PEOPLE Issue 65 Winter 93/94
%Descr: "_We The People_ is a bi-monthly, non-profit publishing
alliance devoted to the commentary on current
socio-political events of the day. This publication is
*not* the tool of any particular party or organiztion."
Just in case you might have thought this had something to do
with Jerry Brown and/or Ross Perot. It's a bloody big APA,
and I'm amazed that 14 or 15 people can do 120 pages every
other month! Oh, but it's mostly reprinted stuff. I'm
still sorta amazed.
Although the Central Mailer decries Massive Media as bogus
information (yo, read more zines! Get a shortwave! Get a Net
account!), much of the material in this issue consists of
reprints from Massive Media. While some of the contributors have
written long essays on particular subjects, most respond to
previous comments, so it's kinda hard to pick up on things.
%Info: $1.75 Each to
Michael Wolff, PO Box 704, South Houston, TX 77587-0704
(120 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: WEST COAST LIBERTARIAN: The Newsletter of the Greater Vancouver
%Descr: Libertarian Association Volume 13 Issue 4 October, 1993
News from North America, and around the world, on
Libertarian issues form the perspective of the Libertarian
Party of Canada.
These last two issues were special for the Canadian general
election. The pre-election optomism gave way to hope that the
Reform Party will adopt a libertarian stand on some issues.
There's the FAQ for the Canadian LP and a look ahead to the next
election, under even harsher ballot restrictions.
%Info: , Subs: $15.00 for 12 issues to
Kerry Pearson, 922 Cloverley Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 1N3
(12 Pages/S/JP)
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email
%Title: OUT OF STEP Volume 3 Issue 2 July, 1993
%Descr: A fiesty zine of libertarian ideals.
In this issue is the news about the latest IRS atrocity, this one
very much like the Waco raid. Instead of accepting an invitation
from _Reasonable Action_ publisher John Kotmair to 'inspect'
their offices, the IRS would rather trash his home and office and
terrorize his wife. Who says we don't live in a police state?
There's also an article on The Committee of 50 States (reviewed
elsewhere in _F5_).
"Term limits aren't enough. We need jail."
%Info: The Usual Each , Subs: $24.00 for 12 issues to
Wally Conger, 146-A N. Canyon Blvd., Monrovia, CA 91016
(4 Pages/S/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.
%Title: YOUTH CONNECTION: News and Reviews of the Libertarian Student
%Descr: September, 1993
News from the fastest-growing segment of the Libertarian
Party, the college students.
News from the University of Virginia, an appartent hotspot of LP
activity as well as other sites around the world.
%Info: SASE Each to
Terry Inman, youth connection, 3910 Nara Drive, Florissant, MO 63033
(4 Pages/S/JP)
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.